Accommodations’ for the Disabled Should Become Norms

I was born into “generation ADA,” which is anyone born around or after the time the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) passed in 1990. I am fortunate to benefit from having curb cuts for my wheelchair, have the ability to ride almost any form of public transportation with few barriers, and attended and graduated from a public university having been 100% accommodated on campus both within and outside the classroom. I certainly don’t take any of that for granted.
On July 26, the ADA turned 30 years old, but is it showing its age? Why do I still have to call nail or hair salons to find out if they are wheelchair accessible because they still have steps to enter in? Why doesn’t every building provide equal access such as an automatic door opener so that those with disabilities don’t have to yank heavy doors open while navigating their wheelchair? Why is it difficult for individuals with disabilities to often get hired when the ADA protects against disability discrimination from employment? Read More.