For years, Monica struggled to find a way to pay for the disposable underwear her son needed. As a result of his being born with cerebral palsy, he will need them for the rest of his life. “I had no insurance, my job paid very little, and Guillermo wasn’t allowed to go to school unless I could send them with him.” Happily, Monica and Guillermo’s lives are better today and insurance now pays for these needs. Knowing that others were facing the same problems she once did, Monica delivered them to The Advocacy Network’s door with instructions to “make sure someone who really needs these, gets them”.
“Have these been promised to anyone yet?”, Inclusion Support Coordinator Maggie Rivera excitedly asked upon seeing the boxes lined up in the hallway when she came by the office a few days later. “I have a family who needs them – ALL of them!”. Within a day, Maggie had delivered a package to her family to make sure the size was right (it was!), and made arrangements for delivery to their home.
Thank you, Monica, for paying it forward.