Zoom’s latest accessibility features let you pin and spotlight multiple videos during calls

Making it easier to keep a sign language interpreter on-screen
Zoom’s latest update will let you pin or spotlight multiple videos during a call. Image: Zoom via Mashable
By James Vincent
Zoom has added new accessibility features that should make the videoconference app easier to use for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or who have visual impairments.
As reported by Mashable and USA Today, the first change to the app is the ability to pin or spotlight multiple videos at once, instead of just one as is currently allowed. This will let people who require sign language interpretations to pin the interpreter’s video during meetings, keeping it visible at all times even when the call is in speaker mode. Only nine people on each call can pin multiple videos, which may constrain larger meetings.
Alternatively, the host can choose to spotlight multiple videos for all users, making up to nine different videos visible at the same time. This is basically a more selective version of the app’s current gallery view, which crams as many videos on-screen as possible. Continue read in The Verge.